Wednesday, April 05, 2006

it's so hot in banaras...

how hot is it? it's so hot that when i went to the post office today, i saw a man wet a stamp with the sweat on his forehead.

it'll be good to head north. a few days ago it reached 40C (not sure what that means in farenheit, but 20c = 70f, and 30c = 90f, just to give you a general idea). they say that sometimes it reaches 50 in the middle of the summer. no thanks.

anyway, i'm leaving sarnath tomorrow afternoon (wednesday night america time). after that, i won't be able to check email all that often, and i will no longer have my phone. i'll try to update the blog whenever i get a chance, but if you don't hear from me for a while, i promise i'll put up lots of pictures when i get back to the u.s. of a. at the end of may.

a bunch of people have sent me email lately, and i apologize for not responding. i probably won't have time to write back until the end of may, but i promise i'll write all of you back as soon as i can.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

50 c is 122 f, by the way. That sounds like hell on earth. Literally.

4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehehhe felt like am back in Varanasi Sarnath , I was there for 5 years, I'm MOngolian who studied there almost 6 years, I know all about varanasi and CIHTS, would like to share a memory then my yahoo ID is artenesena

2:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

finally new that all this information is added in 2005 too late

2:42 AM  

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