i forgot the most important thing.
last night was spent watching a jackie chan movie dubbed in hindi while teaching spanish to a nun.
on tuesday, i had yet another day-of-indulgence with jojo and jo (fellow smith alum who's living in varanasi right now) in the cantonment - the swanky part of varanasi with lots expensive hotels and restaurants. we each paid 200 rupees (about $4) to use the swimming pool at the clark hotel, and spent the day lounging around, ordering overpriced food and drinks from the pool. we had the whole place to ourselves - it was wonderful. by the end of the day, each of us had spent about 1000 rupees, which is generally what i spend in a week here, but in U.S. terms that amounts to just over $20. not bad for a day in a fancy hotel.
so, i have a plan now: jojo and i are both leaving sarnath on april 6, and spending the next night in a fancy hotel somewhere in delhi, where we will sip fancy drinks, eat good food, and veg out in the air conditioning to celebrate living in the maya devi girls' hostel and making it out alive. on the evening of the 8th, i will leave jojo and take an overnight bus to shimla, where i'll spend the next day wandering. then early on the morning of the 10th i'll make my way to the nunnery in kinnaur.
yesterday jojo and i had a much-needed day of indulgence.
the most popular song in the girls' hostel now is that one-hit wonder from the 80's... i can't remember his name, or the name of his song. but it's that one with the cheezy saxophone riff and the chorus goes:
okay, i lied about the weather being beautiful. the weather is now only beautiful between sunrise and 9am. after that it starts to turn into that uncomfortable kind of hot if you're out in the sun.
some of the smithies who were here in january just sent jojo and me a package. it contained the following:
some of the smithies who were here in january just sent jojo and me a package. it contained the following:
i just want to recount what i had for breakfast today:
i forgot to mention one of the best things about the geshe ceremonies and spending all the time in the gompa around losar: the hats. tibetan monks have some of the coolest headwear i've ever seen. during the geshe ceremonies, they wore the yellow hats that i had always associated with the gelug sect of tibetan buddhism. (made me wonder which aspects of buddhism have been taken from bon and which aspects of bon have been taken from buddhism... maybe a potential thing to research later on in my academic career.) anyway, these yellow hats are my favorite ones. they basically look like giant, fuzzy mohawks, and when the geshes weren't wearing them, they draped them over their shoulders. then there were the traditional bonpo hats. they're big, white, pointy things with red triangles on the sides and a big red swastika on the front. on the sides are either two or three blue stripes, representing sutra, tantra, and dzogchen, the three main areas of study in bon. there were other hats that the geshes wore on the last day of their ceremony, that were bright blue on top with panels around the bottom that looked like lotus petals. they can only be worn by high lamas and people who have received their geshe degree, and the lotus petals are symbolic of the fact that even though these geshes live in an impure world, they themselves are pure (just like a lotus grows in muddy swamps but isn't defiled by mud). and then of course, the masks for the cham dances. my favorite ones were the masks of wrathful dieties. red, blue, black, green faces, with bulging eyes, sharp teeth, tongues sticking out, and tiny skulls decorating the tops of their heads. it was all really cool, and i'll try to find photos somewhere to put up here.
I just got back from two and a half weeks at Menri Monastery in Dolanji, a little village in the Himalayan foothills just south of Shimla. I had a WONDERFUL time. My friend Yangri grew up there, and invited me to come spend Losar (Tibetan New Year) with her family and watch her brother's Geshe ceremony.