Wednesday, November 02, 2005

happy diwali

the more time i spend in sarnath, the more i realize it's a lot like avon lake. it's a small town situated next to a decent-sized city (that has its virtues, but isn't the most exciting of all the cities in the country), and everyone knows everybody else. the town is constantly being developed; they've put a bunch of sidewalks in, and now they're working on widening the road. granted, instead of big construction equipment and ODOT workers in orange vests, it's men in their bare feet with pick-axes and women with baskets on their heads. but still... lots of real estate is being developed too. i think bucky kopf should stop chopping down all the trees in avon lake and come develop some stuff here.
yesterday was diwali (a big hindu holiday), and i spent a long time last night on the roof of my hostel, watching fireworks being set off from people's homes all over town. this morning, there's some kind of big festival going on, which reminds me a lot of homecoming at ALHS. some boys just ran a foot race through town, and now they're getting set up for a bike race. there's an announcer right outside of the internet cafe, who's giving play-by-plays of the races. it seems like the whole town is out to watch. (all they need now is a marching band and some cheerleaders riding on the back of decorated pickup trucks and i'd feel right at home.)

there are some very small monks (they can't be any older than 7) who have been pressing their faces up against the glass of the internet cafe for some time now. one of them just came in and is watching the computer over my shoulder while fingering his prayer beads.

oh man. a boy named ravi just won the race. people are freaking out.


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